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Cloves are known for their strong taste and smell and can be purchased ground or whole for different purpose. Introduced in Madagascar around 1820, clove production spans much of the country's east coast, from Sambava to Fort-Dauphin, providing an important additional income to farmers. The main cultivation and production area is the region Analanjirofo that covers the district of Maroantsetra, Mananara, Soanierana Ivongo, Sainte Marie, Fenerive Est and Vavatenina. A clove tree usually reaches between 10 and 12 meters but can grow as tall as 20 meters. The tree grows best in ferralitic tropical soil and can produce fruit for 30 years, with its first flowers appearing between its fifth and tenth year. Cloves are the unopened flower buds, collected while still green and pink. The tree has strong green leaves and large beautiful red flowers. Harvesting varies depending on the area but generally take place between September and December. There is less and less production due to the instable price that pushes the farmers to cut the trees for firewood and transform their plantation to rice field. The remaining plantation is under threats of cyclone from the Indian Ocean every year from December to April.